Your car's muffler and exhaust system are susceptible to corrosion and damage, so it is vital that you keep the entire system maintained as this system removes the gases that form in your engine's combustion chamber. The components that remove those harmful gases include the exhaust manifold, oxygen sensor, catalytic converter, muffler and exhaust pipes. These components work in conjunction with each other to remove gases such as hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. If your car's exhaust system is not functioning properly, you will lose fuel efficiency and power. In many states, you will not pass an emissions control check if your exhaust system is failing.
Exhaust Manifold:
The exhaust manifold is the first section of the exhaust system. Its purpose is to be the “lungs” of the engine. It inhales gasses generated during combustion and sends them to the catalytic converter.
Catalytic Converter:
The next step in the exhaust system process is the catalytic converter. This component cleans the exhaust emissions, allowing them to be safe to emit into the environment. Because catalytic converters are so crucial, it’s a bonus to know they’re built to last your vehicle’s entire lifetime. Exhaust fumes continue to travel from the catalytic converter down towards the end of the exhaust system.
After the combustion process and fumes are converted to less harmful gasses, they then travel through the exhaust piping and into the muffler. Often this is the most known element to the exhaust system. People typically understand how a muffler reduces noise. It’s located near the back of the vehicle and under the body
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